Friday, 5 June 2015

Be unique! - Intermediate grammar revision game

This is a grammar revision game that alleviates some of the tedium of a gapfill exercise! It revises general verb tenses and forms.

You will need:
One copy of the worksheet per group of 2-3 students

Procedure (20-25 minutes total)
  • Use your favourite student grouping method to make groups of 2-3 students.
  • Give one copy of the worksheet to each group.
  • In their group, students fill each gap with any appropriate word. Allow 10-15 minutes.
  • As a class, check the answers. I like to do this with small whiteboards that students can reveal all at the same time. Groups score 1 point for a correctly used word, and 1 bonus point for a unique answer (that none of the other teams used).