Thursday, 10 September 2015

Interlude - A year in the Khmerde part 3

For almost 2 years now I've been living and teaching in Siem Reap, Cambodia, and have recently come to the decision to take 3 months out and see what happens. Caution: a self-indulgent navel-gazing post will follow. So, what am I going to do?

Give the job a rest.

My teaching job, which I have loved, is getting repetitive. It also involves teaching every evening, which a priori I don't mind, but means I don't get to enjoy the early evening in Siem Reap, which is a lovely time.

Freelance it for a while.

I've got a blogging job that pays the rent. Other projects to investigate: translation, tuition, copywriting, publishing (another) Kindle book...

Try volunteering.

So many people come to Cambodia to volunteer that it feels a little selfish to work for money. On the lookout for volunteering opportunities! Much is said about the destructive effects of voluntourism, so I would like to find something constructive and valuable to do.

Write more.

Ideas are going through my head all the time, but it seems that teaching pre-intermediate English for extended periods of time tends to shrink my vocabulary. Mission: rediscover words. Put fingers to keyboard and let something into the world.


Is a meditation retreat a ridiculous thing to do? Maybe it is, but the option is there. Also on the menu: massages, swimming, soaking up some UV rays. But you know what? I'm actually bored of yoga.


I've been running about twice since I've been here, filling the void with workout videos that achieve a lot of sweat but (probably) not much else. With the cool, dry season approaching and my Vibrams gathering dust, now's the time to fix that.

Go somewhere.

No, I don't know where, but I would like to visit pretty much every country in Asia. Problem: too much choice.


My Khmer needs to be improved more. I think that once more, teaching English has interfered with my ability to speak Khmer since my aim has been to stop my students speaking Khmer in the classroom and make them speak English. Now the tides can turn, and it'll be me making myself speak the foreign language. Other than that, I have vague notions of studying journalism and teaching myself more about Wordpress.


It should be said that a big reason for my position at the crossroads is that my partner and colleague is moving to Phnom Penh for work and study. I'm not completely convinced about living there, so I'm going to test the water first and see what happens. Relocating in a hurry sucks, so I'm going to take my time and do all of the above first!

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